Senin, 17 November 2014

How To Make Satay Madura

"Sate Madura" that was a popular foods in Indonesia, almost all city of Indonesia sell this foods, and the seller is original people from Madura, Madura is a province on Java.. The most popular and delicious Chicken Satay in Indonesia was made from Madura, and then called by "Sate Madura".

 How to Make Sate Ayam Madura that was given by original people from Madura.

Firstly, you should prepare this Ingredients :

1. For Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay) :

- 1 kg of Chicken Meat, without the skin and bones
- 150 ml sweet ketchup
- 2 lime fruit
- 40 pieces skewer for satay

2. For Seasoning

- 250 grams of cooked peanuts
- 4 pieces of garlic cloves
- 5 pieces of red onion cloves
- 2 red chili
- 500 ml of boiled water
- 2 lime leaves
- to taste salt
- 100 ml of sweet ketchup

Secondly, now just follow step by step on Sate Madura Recipes :

1. Slice the chicken meat form the dice, and then pin the dice chicken meat with skewers for satay until finish, set aside.

2. Mashed all of the seasoning ingredients, except ketchup, boiled water, and lime. Mashed until be smoothy and then put the ketchup, boiled water, and lime on this. After that, cook all of them until cooked, take it and set aside.

3. Mix the chicken satay with seasoning in step 2, make sure all part and side of satay get seasoning.

4. Then, Grill Chicken satay, while you grill the satay, spread the satay with ketchup. make sure that satay was cooked correctly.

5. Finally, serve the Sate Ayam Madura with slices lime.

And satay ready to  eat :)
hmmm yummy :)

My Favorite Food

Senin, 10 November 2014

Enjoy In-Line Skates


In Bengkulu, Festival Tabut is always held annually. Festival Tabut   is a day of mourning ceremonies on the death of the Great Syaid Husien bin Ali, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. The essence of the ceremony was in memory of the effort and the efforts of the Shiite leader and his people who seek to collect the parts of the bodies Husien. Having collected all the parts of his body and buried then paraded in Padang Karbala

Tabut derived from the At-Tabut which literally means box or crate. At-Tabut has existed since the time of Moses and Aaron, at the time of At-Tabut was brought down to earth by angels. According to the beliefs of the Israelites, At-Tabut is a crate or box to store the bodies of their leaders. They believe that the At-Tabut should remain in their hands as this will bring good. Instead calamity to come if the At-Tabut not in their hands.
Bengkulu people all over the world even know the word Tabut with tabot. It turns out that actually the Tabut was discussed at a national seminar held in Balai Kota, Bengkulu city.

The whole ceremony lasted for 10 days, ie from 01 to 10 Muharram. The stages of the Tabut ceremony is as follows: Taking the Land, Sitting Penja, Meradai, chopping, Penja Arak, Arak Serban, Gam (the quiet period / mourning) and Arak Gedang and Tabot wasted.

At around 10:00 PM on 10 sacred procession Tabot released by the Governor of Bengkulu to go public cemetery complex Karabela and Panjang Beach. This place became the location of the ritual tabot wasted because there buried Imam Senggolo (Sheikh Burhanuddin) pioneer Tabot ceremony in Bengkulu. With the end Tabot wasted it ended all Tabot ceremonial ritual.

Reply Letter

Indonesia Railways Ltd
Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Mr. Micheal
4 Owaton

Dear Mr.
The first, i want to say thank you Mr. Micheal for your letter. In Pasar Senen railway,  many routes are such as Yogjakarta. Tickets are still available, the economy and business class
Then, We will give you some information about the price:
A. Economy Class:
     Adult: US$ 100
     Child: US$ 50
B. Business Class:
     Adult: US$ 50
     Child: US$ 25
Routes : (Pasar Senen Railway - Yogjakarta) 
Dates   : (16-11-2014)
This route you can visit the tourist places in Yogyakarta such as Prambanan Temple, Borubodur Temple, Parangtritis Beach and many else.
For more Information : 
Address: Jalan Let. Jen. Suprapto-Kramat Bunder, Indonesia
Phone   : +62 21 2963 3600

Marketing of Pasar Senen Railway Ltd,


Senin, 27 Oktober 2014




Dark Tourism word was first coined in 1996 which was later confirmed by the book by Professor Malcolm Foley and John Lennon of Glasgow Caledonian University with the same title . Dark Tourism interpreted directly if tourism is dark , but the dark here represents the dark words , which means that the dark side of human actions such as: death , disaster , war and death . Including tourism which is dark oturis : monuments, museums and of course the scene of the incident took place.

I aggre, According to me, with the Dark tourism learning values of each place visited by tourists to be in the know. They could take a lesson from an event that has happened in the past. In addition, Dark tourism attractions can also be used by the current generation to reminisce about the struggle of the preceding generation who lose their lives on the battlefield. 

For example: Lubang Buaya

Lubang Buaya is a place in Pondok Gede, Jakarta, which become dumping grounds for victims of the September 30 Movement on 30 September 1965

To commemorate the service and sacrifice of the seventh invaluable Heroes of the Revolution and also to celebrate and commemorate these events that never existed again.

Currently standing at the Crocodile Hole Memorial Field containing the Pancasila Monument, a museum diorama, well where were thrown, and a room with relics. Pancasila Monument located in Lubang Buaya was evidence of atrocities committed by the CPI at the time. September 30, 1965, being the day on which a number of Indonesian military officers kidnapped and killed by the communists


Senin, 20 Oktober 2014


  1. What do you think about Ecotourism?
    Ecotourism is about uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. Ecotourism is defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990).  Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Ecotourism is intended to offer tourists insight into the impact of human beings on the environment, and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitats. This means that those who implement and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following ecotourism principles:      Minimize impact, Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect, Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts, Provide direct financial benefits for conservation, Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people, Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate.
  2. Do You Agree With it? Elaborate your reason!
    Yes, of course. Because as we all know ecotourism is one way to preserve the local environment. With the same growth creates significant opportunities for both conservation and local communities. Ecotourism can provide much-needed revenues for the protection of national parks and other natural areas revenues that might not be available from other sources.Additionally, ecotourism can provide a viable economic development alternative for local communities with few other income-generating options. Moreover, ecotourism can increase the level of education and activism among travelers, making them more enthusiastic and effective agents of conservation.




Sungai Suci beach is one of the tourism places, that is in Bengkulu precisely located in the Pondok Kelapa Central of Bengkulu, Bengkulu province. Existence deserves to be reckoned with in the world of tourism

Many tourists who came to Sungai Suci Beach, local and foreign tourists. Tourists visiting this beach, but to see the sand along the beach. They have a wide variety of purposes such as to have fun with family, friends, and relatives and some even dating with partner or lover. There are also a suspension bridge. 

On the Sungai Suci Beach is also used for local residents to serve as a field of business, such as trade. In fact there are many traders who depend only trade on the Sungai Suci Beach.
Moreover, during the school holidays or national holidays, the right choice for a vacation spot is the beach of the holy river. On the day of the week for example a holy river beach crowded with visitors from various regions and the majority are teenagers

The Sungai Suci Beach we can also enjoy the beautiful beach in the afternoon by watching the sunset.