Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Canon Honisiut, Manna

Cannon Honisuit is a relic of the British during the occupation in the city of South Bengkulu Manna is only one type of cannon only and the largest in Indonesia, barrel length of 3.4 m, 2.5 m long .dapur gunpowder. 90cm diameter.
This cannon was first discovered around the village Rear napkin, South of Bengkulu. Now the giant cannon is placed in front of the monument roundabout Regent South Bengkulu Bengkulu Province.

In 1942 the Japanese army cannon Honisuit brought to Kota Manna through Pagar Alam area in place in villages Rear Parliament Building South Bengkulu To pertahana Beach Japanese forces.

At the date of January 10, 2008, cannon Honisuit above agreement, Provincial Department of Local Government Archaeological South Bengkulu moved by "KODIM 0408 / BS" to Padang Panjang Road Roundabout Manna. South of Bengkulu.

Batu Balai

Located in the upper Suka Rami village subdistricts of Air Nipis, South Bengkulu, natural attractions Batu Balai greatly appeal to many people. This is due to its beautiful natural scenery and unspoiled, proven when I go down and bathe in the river was so cold and fresh. location is the main attraction of the visitors at Batu Balai is Dam Dutch heritage which is still standing strong in the upstream river with lush trees decorated at the edges.

Rushing river flow and towering rocks along the river is very interesting to be immortalized with your camera. Even the location of Center Stone is also suitable to be used as a place for rafting. To reach this location takes about 1 hour more than Manna City, heading to the district-Water Seginim Nipis using private vehicles either motorcycles or cars can enter the location of the Hall of Rock Tour. However, unfortunately, the attraction is not managed by the local government, so that the facilities for tourists such as accommodation and restaurants is not available there.

The Dam of Seluma

Seluma Dam is a large dam that was built to irrigate the paddy fields along the river Seluma or Irrigation and became quite well-known tourist attraction in the area Seluma.

This dam is located in the District of Seluma Lubuk Kebur City, District Tais. In addition to the beautiful landscape in the form of a dam, the river is also often used for visitors who have a hobby of fishing.
Because Dam Seluma present an attractive natural scenery to be enjoyed, not be surprised if this place becomes one of the visits of tourists from various regions in Seluma and surrounding areas.

Pasar Bawah Beach

Pasar Bawah beach is a favorite tourist attraction townspeople Manna ( South of Bengkulu ). Because of its strategic location in downtown Manna then this place is quite crowded by people to just relax.

This attraction is located at the coastal city of Manna, located about 3km from the city center, about 10 minutes by public transport. In addition to the beautiful scenery that this place could be a Culinary object, fishing, swimming pool, tennis Lap, Lap beach volleyball. Pasar Bawah is a cool beach, because the edge of the coast there are evergreen trees that used to live in the mountains. Visitors not only from the District of South Bengkulu, even a visit from the neighboring province of Palembang province, namely Pagar Alam who often visited when the days of the Great. Aside from being a place of tourism, Pasar Bawah Beach is also home to a traditional fishing village, and is the center of marine fish fisheries in the South Bengkulu.

The Dam of Air Nipis

Attractions Air Nipis dam is a dam that is used as a travel destination in South of Bengkulu. The dam was built in 1986 it became the target of local tourists visit and have a good tourism potential with good processing of course.

The dam is located in the South of Bengkulu, Seginim district has its main function as irigator for the surrounding rice fields, therefore panoramic views of the rice fields become dominant in this place.
This dam adjacent to my village :)

Bung Karno Seclusion House (1938-1942)

One of the historic buildings that are good to visit in the city of Bengkulu is Dwellings Bung Karno, the house is located in the center of the city of Bengkulu, precisely in the way Sukarno Hatta Village Anggut Over Ivory Cempaka subdistrict Bengkulu City.
Year of establishment of this house can not be known with certainty, the house originally belonged to a Chinese merchant named Lion Bwe Seng hired by the Dutch to put Bung Karno during sequestered in Bengkulu.
Until now features a Chinese house is still there, namely that there is a vent above the windows and doors patterned letter / phrase in Chinese. Bung Karno who have little name Kusno after being exiled to Endeh Flires since 1934, then moved to Bengkulu in 1938.

Rafflesia Arnoldi

The large flower is a symbol of the city of Bengkulu own but unfortunately these flowers grow and bloom in a nomadic and seasonal but remains in the mountainous region of Liku Sembilan Bengkulu. Raflesia grown in tissue leafless vines and stemmed not so incapable of photosynthesis. Rafflesia arnoldii giant and known only in Sumatra and its spread is along the back of Bukit Barisan from Aceh to Lampung to the ecology center in Bengkulu

Rafflesia Arnoldi is a plant that is also known as corpse flower, but both of them are very clear differences.
Rafflesia Arnoldi flower is found and entered into the record in the 19th century, the beginning of the discovery of this Rafflesia Arnoldi, in 1818 Sir Stamford Raffles and a physicist named Joseph Arnold explore an area in Bengkulu.

When they were exploring the area they are very pungent smell and stink, they immediately look for the origin of the pungent odor after much searching, they finally found the origin of the smell that comes from a flower that grows large enough, after carefully identified, was found the identity of the flower.

The flower name is taken from the name of the inventor is Rafflesia Arnoldi, this interest comes from the group Amorpholus Titanium Becc dead flowers, and including taro Araceae tribe yarns.

Arnodi Rafflesia plant now has been protected and preserved by the government because this plant is almost extinct, we can see these plants by visiting the Bogor Botanical gardens.

This plant is also not all the time of flowering, the first time this flower planted in the garden Raya Bogor on December 19, 1992, the tuber weight 30 kilograms, when viewed from the weight of the tuber of this plant will grow quite large.

On February 5, 1994 date has begun to sprout, denagan supervision and good care of this flower bud reaches a height of 1 meter on March 9, 1994 to the date of March 9, 1994 This interest continued to grow up to 1.5 meters.

for friends all coincide once Rafflesia flowers are blooming in
the mountainous region of Liku Sembilan Bengkulu, you can visit there. :)