Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

The Girl Who Wanted to Be a Teacher

23 years ago, the village outskirt of river Musi born a little girl from a simple family. Her name is Jasmine. Family nomads of Bengkulu province, in search of a better life. Jasmine grows not much different from other children.
Day after day, time after time goes on. 4-year-old Jasmine. However, the risk of coastal living on the seaside already being felt. One day the weather did not support and flooding the village. Allahamdulliah, all the family survived. As a result of this incident the family was forced to return to his hometown in the province of Bengkulu.
Not feel jasmine already a teenager. He always lived in simplicity. He lived with his father, mother and brother. The family had to live in a field to continue their lives. In addition to farming, and raising her father an honorary teacher at a junior high school that was close to his fields. His mother a housewife while helping his father farming and gardening. Although they live in the fields but they are happy.
One day, jasmine was in grade 1 junior high school. Her family was blessed with a son. Jasmine is very happy because getting a sister. Every day, after school jasmine always keep her sister and always helped his mother.
Time passed, this family gets a disaster. Grandfather of Jasmine's father died. This result jasmine family should stay at his grandmother's house to keep her grandmother because she lived alone who. Jasmine and her sister had to change schools. Just like his father, who then moved the honor. Lucky in front of the house there is an MTS grandmother jasmine. Jasmine and her sister moved in this MTS and MTS father also taught at this.
6 years have passed, jasmine which was once a small child of a simple family has now be a student at a university in Bengkulu. Jasmine has grown up. Jasmine from small dreams of becoming a teacher like his father. Now he had majored in Mathematics. Jasmine is a diligent child. He intend to change the lives of his family. Not feel jasmine already graduated. Her family is very proud of her because awarded coumlode.
Since then, jasmine succeeded in realizing the goal of becoming a teacher.

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